🥕 If you ever make it to the Bunny Castle, you may notice along the path of rainbow carrots there is a tiny hut. At first it looks like nothing, but as you approach you see, it’s made of all sorts of wild and wonderful things!
🛖The roof is soooo decorative, like nothing you’ve ever seen, full of eyeballs, globs of frosting, space whammys, forks, Bork bonks, spillzledeez, glucks, bottle caps, feathers, pine cones, jewelry, feely bobs, worn out shoes, star dust that sparkles and even bones! Who IS IT that lives in this tiny little home? 🧼 It’s the home of the gelatinous creature and friend we all know as Mr. Moar! He roams the Bunny Kingdom, glooping and glopping along the way humming his gloopy tune, the bunnies say it’s an earworm – you’ll be humming it for days.
✨ Mr. Moar is a wonderful creature ozzing in a hue of transparent gloopy minty green, he smells like BBQ ribs. His two round eyes have a dull sparkle sitting just above his boop worthy nose. When he comes across new and interesting things, he will glippily glomp them inside like a magnet made of glue. They remain trapped there, until he gets back to his hut where he unloads them from his mouth, like a big gloppy backpack. These are treasures to him and if you get to witness this at his hut, be sure to give him a wink and a snack. Bits of pie crust and Slorpy Freeze straws are his faves, yeah! ✨ No one is quite sure why he collects all these things, no one can even ask. His noodle-y voice is so very hard to understand! Especially with a belly full of space rocks, blunder rocket springs, and an old piece of ham. 🎫 So along his goofy was he glomps and continues to collect all sorts of things and if you come across something missing you can be sure it’s on his hut somewhere next to a crushed can of moo beans, or a beautiful ring. 💍

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