🍭 The candy cloud creeps claim to be “the most terrifying and wicked villains of all The Bunny Kingdom” or at least that’s what they think. Little do they know, the “cruel acts” they use to terrorize the Kingdom actually brings everyone much joy! What could that possibly be?
☁️ Well you see, the candy cloud creeps are actually adorable beings, they just happen to have the most horrible breath from all of the sweet candy they eat.
👿 They steal everyone’s candy and giggle amongst one another while they gobble it all up, candy wrappers and all, it’s a sight to see! Their eyes go wild as they chomp away on the most delicious treats! They have truly ruined everyone’s day, candy for no one anymore, or at least they think. After eating so much they lay in fluffy delightful bliss their stomachs rumble like thunder, and their once colorful pastel fluffy colors starts to turn into a shade of gray, they must float up as high as they can to get rid of their bellyaches…
✨ They float so high, trying to shake the feeling of that candy thunderstorm brewing inside. Unbeknownst to them they are making colorful candy “rain” as they start to feel relieved bolts of taffy candy fly down from them along with thousands of colorful raindrops full of color harmony that only the Hunnys would believe! As they all fall to the kingdom below, the raindrops transform instantly upon impact into, yep you guessed it, delicious candy once again, and it’s even sweeter than the candy they ate before making each and every time they do this even more great!
☁️ The cycle continues though the lives of the Candy Cloud Creeps, and they continue to think they are up to the most dreadful things, but the truth of the matter is something not a soul in the Bunny Kingdom will ever speak.;)
🍬 The candy cloud creeps look like cloud beings, they walk on all fours. They are made of marshmallows, steamed spiced cider and sugar nips ( a rare treat in the Bunny Kingdom) with big eyes that are so sweet they might be actually made of sugar and sparkles, large colorful and round with big sugar fueled pupils set just far enough apart on each side of their head to make you wonder if they can see in 360 degrees.
☁️ They are pastel in colors and cloud like in their appearance very fluffy and some of them even have “rings” like the planets do made of tiny sparkles. Others have been spotted with lighting bolt shaped unicorn horns.
💋 They have wide set mouths to eat candy with ease, and if you happen to catch a glimpse inside their mouth they don’t actually have any teeth, just small bits of diamonds that crush candy with incredible speed!.
🥹 They have small cute ears that almost camouflage into their bodies. They are the softest creatures you will ever meet, but good luck trying to pet one without something to offer them back, you know their favorite, candy with the wrapper intact.